Communicate With SHPD


The submission process in HICRIS guides you through all the forms and information you need to complete your submittal. You can now communicate with reviewers and view the progress of your submission without calling or emailing SHPD staff.


Users of HICRIS have several options for grids of information on the contextual menu on the left of the screen under the ‘Home’ option in the upper left menu. These options include:


My Projects: A list of all Projects on which the user is a Contact.

My Submissions: A list of all Submissions made by the User, to help track them through the process of submitting projects to SHPD.

My Requests: A list of all requests for more information from SHPD that are awaiting action.

SHPD Responses: A list of all SHPD responses, including any correspondence from SHPD.

An entry in the My Projects list will navigate the User to the detail screen for that Project, so that they may review the information they have submitted.

Some entries in My Submissions may be accessed, others may not.

If an Initial Submission has been started, but ‘Finish Later’ was selected, the submission will be noted in this list when toggled to ‘Draft’ status. ‘Draft’ status refers to a submission that is incomplete and must be completed later, and submitted, for SHPD to review. Click on the ‘Go To’ icon to open the submission and continue filling it out.

If an Initial Submission has been submitted to SHPD, but SHPD returned it with the message Insufficient Information, the submission will be noted in this list when toggled to ‘Insufficient’ status. Insufficient refers to a submission that has been received but has been identified as needing corrections or additional information before SHPD review can begin. Click on the ‘Go To’ icon to open the submission and address the corrections/additions noted in the email received from SHPD when it was marked as Insufficient.

The other two options in the toggle cannot open the submission. These allow you to monitor if the Submission is still in a submitted status, or if it has been processed into a Project and review begun, by SHPD.

The My Requests and SHPD Responses lists will both navigate to the SHPD Response screen from the ‘Go To’ icon where the details of SHPD’s response are provided, including any correspondence – which can be downloaded from HICRIS from that screen.

The SHPD Responses list indicates all responses provided by SHPD.

The My Requests list indicates all SHPD Responses where SHPD has requested more information and that request has not been responded to.

To learn more about this topic, including additional details about each part of this screen, please follow this link to learn more.