Reconciling a Submitted Resource


The Reconciliation screen contains three sections of data to reconcile.  In each section, the data for the Resource chosen to link to is shown on the left (Previously-Identified Resource Information), while the data for the Submitted Resource currently being processed is shown in the center. The final state of the data is shown on the far right.


Fields: The column on the far right (Changes to Previously-Identified Resource Information) will be set to the value of the column on the left by default.  Click Transfer to change the value to the one from the Submitted Resources.  Click Reset to change it back.  A red exclamation icon indicates that the two resources being compared do not have matching values for that field.


Grids: For each Submitted Resources grid, you have the option to Accept or Ignore items in the grid.  Accepting items will add them to the grid on the left, while ignoring will exclude them. Grid decisions are final.

Spatial: Accepting the Submitted Resource Location on the right will add it to the Previously-Identified Resource Location on the left and focus the map on that added polygon.  Clicking Reset will remove it.  Clicking Ignore will exclude the polygon from the map on the left.

Once these tasks are completed, click Finish and Close to exit the processing window and save your choices, or click Cancel to exit the window without saving field data.