Manage App Alerts
This Administration screen is designed to help manage the application alerts functionality of HICRIS. App alerts are notifications that will be presented to users of the app. They'll show up just above the location of the top navigation bar for both logged-in and logged-out users.
HICRIS supports three types of App Alerts; Info, Warning, and Error. The Info level alert is for general announcements, and the alert will appear with a blue background. Warning level alerts are designed to draw the user's attention. They have an orange background, and should be used to convey important information that could impact HICRIS users. Warning alerts can be used to warn users of future downtime, operational challenges, and other unaccounted use cases. Error level alerts will appear on a red background, and are meant to convey urgency to the end user. A good example of an error alert would be current downtime, such as when the ArcGIS Portal is brought down for updates or maintenance.
Further, HICRIS supports some additional functionality related to the application alerts. In the grid provided here, there are optional fields for "URL", "Button Text" and "Cookie Key".
These fields, when left blank, have no effect on the alerts. However, when a URL and Button Text is provided, the app alert will present a button to the user with the specified text. When that button is clicked, the user will be re-directed to the URL.
The Cookie Key is another optional field. It is intended to be used to make App Alerts "dismissible". If you provide a Cookie Key, when the user clicks the "X" button on the alert, the application will write a cookie to the user's browser, that will remember they have dismissed the alert. The next time they load the application, they will not see the alert that was dismissed unless they clear their cookies. It is suggested that cookie keys are kept unique and marked with a date, since we have no control over how frequently a user clears their cookies. A good example of a cookie key to warn about an upcoming maintenance window would be something like this: "20200903maintenanceWindow", where "20200903" represents the date the alert was put in place.