Manage Payments


6E Fee Payments made through the Kala Payment Gateway are fully automated. However, some uncommon events, such as refunds, require editing payment information on a Submission. This form allows Submissions to be adjusted by editing all Payment-related fields for any Submission that can be identified by a Submission token.



To reach this screen, using the secondary menu, select ‘Administration’. In the contextual menu that appears at left, select ‘Manage Payments’.




After a refund has occurred through appropriate SHPD financial procedures, record that refund by entering the Submission Number in the search field. Submission Numbers are in the format 2021PR00001.001. The fees for that Submission are returned on the screen. For each refunded fee, select the fee from the grid, and select Edit. Using the fields presented, set Fee Payment Status to Refunded. Scroll to the bottom and select Save to record this change.


Transferring a Payment


If a submission as been accepted and a fee was paid, but the Submission needs to be re-assigned to another project (in a scenario where the submission was inaccurately done as a new initial submission), then the Payment can be transferred. To transfer the payment, enter the Submission number in the search field. Submission Numbers are in the format 2021PR00001.001. The fees for that Submission are returned on the screen. For each fee that needs to be transferred, select the fee from the grid, and select Transfer. Input the Submission that the payment needs to be transferred to. Submission Numbers are in the format 2021PR00001.001. The information will be presented on the screen. Confirm the transfer by selecting ‘Transfer Fee’.