Manage Users


Add, view and edit Users.  To change a User’s Privileges, highlight a User in the grid and click Edit.  Then click the Privileges tab at the top of the Edit User window.  Add or Delete Privileges using the Privilege dropdown menu and click Save. Changes are available to the user the next time they login or after they refresh the application.


Each privilege grants a user additional capability in HICRIS:


ADMIN: For SHPD Staff only. Grants the user access to the following screens in Administration:

oAdd Resource

oAdd Survey

oManage Agencies

oManage Reviewers

ADMIN PLUS: For SHPD Staff only. Grants the user access to the following screens in Administration:

oManage Look-Up-Tables

oManage Organizations

oManage Users

oManage Payments

oManage App Alerts

ARCHAEOLOGICAL: Grants the user access to view Archaeological GIS data and Archaeological Resource Detail screens.

BURIAL: Grants the user access to view Burial GIS data and Burial Resource Detail screens.

DOD_RESTRICTED: Grants the user access to view GIS data and Resource Details screens for Resources and Surveys flagged with a Restriction value of ‘DOD Restricted’.

RESTRICTED: Grants the user access to view GIS data and Resource Details screens for Resources and Surveys flagged with a Restriction value of ‘Restricted’.

EDIT_DATA: For SHPD Staff only. Allows rights to edit information on detail screens.

GIS: For SHPD Staff only. Allows rights to edit GIS data. User must also have a Creator/Editor role in Portal.

INAD_CONTR: For External Users who are delegated SHPD contractors for responding to Inadvertent Discoveries. Grants access to the Inadvertent Discovery Initial Submission screen.


To reach this screen, using the secondary menu, select ‘Administration’. In the contextual menu that appears at left, select ‘Manage Users’.